
Showing posts from June, 2024

Prioritization Technique

  Agilists, This is a replay of the Prioritization Techniques session. In this session we talked about how to coach a product owner on prioritization techniques (ways a product owner can prioritize the product backlog). You can download the presentation used in the session. Enjoy!

Introduction to DevOps

  Hi Agilists, This is a replay of the LIVE DevOps session. In this session our guest speaker talked about:   Benefits of DevOps Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) DevOps Practices DevOps Lifecycle You can download the presentation used in the session. Enjoy!

Product Roadmap

  Agilists, This is a replay of the Product Roadmap session. In this session we talked about the purpose and value of a product roadmap. You can download the presentation used in the session. Enjoy!

Agile Tools

  Agilists, This is a replay of the Agile Tools session. In this session we talked about the various tools used in an Agile Environment; Tracking Tools such as Jira, Azure DevOps, VersionOne, Rally. Video Conferencing Tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WebEx, Google Meet and several other tools You can download the presentation used in the session. Enjoy!

Good Reads: Book Recommendations

 Scrum Mastery: From Good to Great Servant Leadership Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses

RESOURCE AREA: Tell Me About Yourself Templates

Tell Me About Yourself  Sample 1   Download Here Sample 2  Download Here

RESOURCE AREA: Scrum Interview Questions

  Scrum Master Interview Questions & Explanation   Download Here Scrum Master Interview Questions With Answers  What is Agile? It’s a combination of iterative and incremental process models with focus on Process Adaptability and customer satisfactions by rapid delivery of working software products. When would you use the Agile Methodology? New changes to be implemented Complex and bigger projects Long-term goals and no bound-on requirements Quick launch for the product to go-to-market Frequent changes throughout the development cycle No limit on time and budget State some major principles of Agile? Customer satisfaction Face to face communication Continuous feedback Quick response to change Sustainable development Self-Organization Collective work What is Scrum and how is it different from Waterfall? Scrum is a framework that implements the agile mindset, values and principles. It is different from Waterfall in the following ways: Early Feedback Minimal Risks Increased ROI Collabor

RESOURCE AREA: Listen to Job Interview Recordings

 Scrum Master Audio Interview with T-MOBILE.mp3 Scrum Master Audio Interview with SGSW.mp3 Scrum Master Audio Interview with Fidelity.mp3 Scrum Master Audio Interview with Bank of America.mp3 Scrum Master Audio Interview with ATT&T.mp3

RESOURCE AREA: Resume Templates Corner

  Resume Templates Corner Sample Scrum Master Resume (Business Analyst Transitioning to Scrum)  Download Here Sample Scrum Master Resume (Project Manager Transitioning to Scrum)  Download Here Sample Scrum Master Resume (Quality Assurance Tester Transitioning to Scrum)  Download Here

DOWNLOAD: Capacity Planning Templates

  Capacity Planning Templates   Download here

DOWNLOAD: Definition Of Done Template

Downloads:  Definition_of_Done_Guide Definition_of_Done

DOWNLOAD: Definition Of Ready Template

 Downloads: Definition_of_Ready_Guide DEFINITION_OF_READY

DOWNLOAD: Team Working Agreement Template

Download Working_Agreements_How_To_Guide Team_working_Agreement Team Agreement  The following items have been approved by and agreed upon by the   Team Name , which in part, at the time of creation, consisted of the following members: (List of team members) Member 1 - Developer Member 2 - Developer Member 3 - Developer Member 4 - Developer Member 5 - QA Member 6 - QA Should a revision of the agreed upon items, herein, be necessary, a collective vote should take place with an ‘All’ inclusive majority of the team members involvement.  EFFECTIVE DATE Day/Month, Year We Commit to:   We commit to the Agile principles We commit to be on time, end on time Will communicate with the team if you cannot make the stand-up/any meeting or will be running late We will always assume positive intent of our team members Do not interrupt others while they are sharing Everyone should actively contribute Be transparent and honest No phones or PCs in any ceremonies, unless you are presenting or updating JIR

LINKS: Job Websites

  These are the top websites to upload your resume, as well as apply directly to job positions.  

Scrum & Agile Dictionary (Lingo)

  Acceptance Criteria  Acceptance Criteria  are a set of conditions that a software must meet in order to be accepted by a customer or stakeholder. Acceptance Testing An acceptance test  is a formal description of the behavior of a software product, generally expressed as an example or a usage scenario. Anti-Pattern Anti-Patterns  in Agile are habits that are frequently exhibited but overall ineffective or maybe even harmful. Agile Mindset An Agile Mindset  is about creating and responding to change in uncertain and turbulent environments.  It is a set of attitudes that an individual should have.  These attitudes are inspired by Agile values and principles, such as: Respect, Collaboration, Continuous improvement, Focus on delivering value. Agile Release Train An Agile Release Train  is a SAFe term used for the combination of multiple Agile software development teams used to tackle large enterprise-scale projects. Think of it as a mega Scrum team! Agile transformation Agile transformati